Info for Current Patients
To make, change, or cancel an appointment, schedule online using Jane App, call the office, or send us a message via Spruce. When you call, please leave a message and our wonderful Virtual Assistant will get back to you.
To facilitate prescription refills, please ask your pharmacy to send an electronic refill request.
If you have run out of refills, it generally means you are overdue for labs or an appointment with one of our doctors. Check your last treatment plan, which should state when to do labs. We may need to charge a fee for the doctor to review your chart and renew your prescription.
Fullscript stocks high-quality supplements directly from manufacturers. Click here to create your account for a discount off retail pricing.
Xymogen supplements are available here.
A word of warning: counterfeit supplements are dangerous and unfortunately are commonplace online. We recommend ordering from Fullscript, Xymogen to ensure you are getting legitimate supplements. Before ordering online, please read this article about how to avoid counterfeits on Amazon and other sites.
Spruce Health is our patient messaging and telemedicine portal. Spruce provides secure, two-way communication and HIPAA-compliant telemedicine. Spruce is available as a smartphone app or through a browser. We will send you a link to set up your account. Once your account is set up, click here to access your account through a browser:, or sign in through the app.
For telemedicine appointments, make sure you are logged in to Spruce, either on the app or in a browser. You will receive a call at your appointment time.
For more info and help, click here.